Hayate The Combat Butler Wiki

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Story Characters Music Sore ga Seiyuu!
Story Characters Music Sore ga Seiyuu!

Welcome to Hayate The Combat Butler Wiki The works of Kenjiro Hata wiki is a collaborative website about your topic that anyone can edit! The information topics including Hayate no Gotoku! and Sore ga Seiyuu! can be found here. We are currently editing over 1,083 articles since September 11th, 2009.

Hayate no Gotoku! Complete Version Manga releaseedit

Hayate no Gotoku! Manga will have a Complete Version. Volume 1 and 2 will be release on June 16, 2023. Complete Version will have 27 voulumes which included the full color pages from Weekly publishing.

Character Spotlight - Nagi Sanzeninedit

Nagi Sanzenin
Nagi Sanzenin (三千院 ナギ Sanzen'in Nagi?) the sole heir to the Sanzenin fortune, being the only survivor of the family besides her grandfather. She doesn't particularly desire the inheritance. However, other people do want that wealth, and will acquire it by any means necessary, leading to many complications for Nagi, the least of which involve kidnappings and attempted assassinations. her birthday is on December 3rd.


Latest Chapter

Link=Chapter 568
Chapter 568
Following the aftermath of losing the Sanzenin inheritance and her butler, what will life be like for Nagi and her friends now that Hayate has left them?

Latest Volume (all volume)

Hayate no gotoku vol 51 & vol 52
Volume 51 & Volume 52
Hayate no Gotoku! Manga Volume 51 and Volume 52 were released in Japan on June 16th 2017. The limited edition for volume 51 contains side stories that reveal secrets and hidden sides to the characters and the limited edition for volume 52 contains side stories focusing on the characters after the main story line.

Hayate no Gotoku General Newsedit

  • 12/25/16 : Sore ga Seiyuu! is to release it's final volume at the summer 2017 Comiket. For more information click here.
  • 5/28/17 : Hayate no Gotoku! Volume 51 & Volume 52 will be released in Japan on June 16th. The limited edition for volume 51 will contain side stories that reveals secrets and hidden sides to the characters and the limited edition for volume 52 will contain side stories centering on the characters after the main story line. For more information click here.

Ad Astra Latest Chapteredit

Link=Ad Astra Per Aspera Chapter 7
Ad Astra Per Aspera Chapter 7
Shinobu Hazuki is an honest boy who used to live peacefully. However, he is now a wanted criminal throughout the galaxy. After escaping from Satella, Shinobu, Patty and Versailes continue their journey to the imperial kingdom. What will happen next?


-Boss Subs- Sore ga seiyuu! 14 OVA.mkv snapshot 13.05 -2016.04.14 14.47.08- EARPHONES take a photo at a mini event (Sore ga Seiyuu!: Petit Uchiage)

International Saimoe League 2013


The competition for the Emerald Necklace has ended! It seems that our representative, Hinagiku has a very high hurdle to jump in order to win a necklace but regardless, never giving up has always been her belief! Let us then continue to give our full support to Hinagiku in the now running nomination for the bearer of the Topaz Necklace!

To see the results of previous rounds in the prelims click here.

To see the official event calendar of ISML 2013 click here.

Official website: http://www.internationalsaimoe.com/voting/


Everyone who often look and check this wiki, please help this page, list what is needed for help.

  • Chapter and Chapter cover
  • Story for each Character
  • Some information about character, manga and anime
  • List about HTCB music (Character CD etc.)

And many more!

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